Monday, October 26, 2009

The Green Party Platter

A while back, Geoff purchased two plastic green platters for a work luncheon. I have wanted more than once to donate them to DI, but Geoff has kindly and persistently suggested that we keep them JUST IN CASE :).

So lately, each day for lunch, Max will pull one of the ugly green platters out of the cubboard and request to have a PARTY for lunch. So we put an arrangement of foods on the platter and indulge. Max's favorite party food is cheese wraps: spinach wrapped around a piece of feta cheese and raisin or apple. I must admit, we have had some fun parties with that darn platter in the center!
I'm trying to decide if Geoff has bribed Max to use the platter, or if the male species are naturally attracted to these things!!????

1 comment:

Kris said...

I want to come for lunch. It looks yummy.
I am always torn between saving something, 'just in case' and ditching it. Lately, I have made lots of trips to DI with a car full of goodies. One thing I saw the next week in their store and wanted to buy it back when I saw how cheap it was!