Sunday, January 23, 2011

Only 3 things I like to Eat

As I served soup for dinner the other night, Max emotionally expressed his disappointment with my choice of foods, "Mom! I only like three things...boogers, toothpaste and cheese!"



Jo Romero said...

THATS FUNNY! how are you? i hear joanna will be coming up soon! that is so cool! i hope you all are doing well! and i also hope your home has turned into kung fu central ;) love ya

Kris said...

I knew you guys ate weird things!

Nielsen Family said...

lol!!! He sounds adorable!

missy said...

Love that funny Max! Reminds me of a time several years ago when Savannah didn't particularly like the smell of something I was making for dinner. I told her, "You know, some people actually like my cooking." With complete disbelief written all over her face, she said, "Like who?" Ha!

Mika said...

LOL! Oh my! Boogers? Hilarious!

Rebecca said...
