(2 Years ago, due to the flooding & strong river currents, an island similar to this was created... a perfect place for kids--Sand like at the beach, rocks by the millions to throw, and the water, cool and safe to play in. When it started getting cold, the city removed the island to prevent possible flooding. Well, the strong currents came again this year and created another island for us!)
Well, it truly is an island now, and there was no DRY way over. I couldn't leave Max alone to carry Justin over or visa versa. I suddenly felt like fox and the rabbit riddle of how to get everyone across to the island without leaving anyone alone, and keeping the boys dry. So I rolled up my sweats, put the back pack on Justin, and a boy in each arm and waded knee deep through the rushing currant to OUR island. Justin and I were SO HAPPY. Max was in ROCK HEAVEN, and we all agreed that Heavenly Father created this island just for us--no doubt. We totally forgot about all the work waiting for us at home and played & played for a couple of hours. I think we all could happily stay here forever.
In a way, it's sacred to us because this is where we spent so much time with Oakley before he died. This is a picture of Justin & Oakley on the island two years ago
Ah, yes, I packed and moved 2 loads while you were gone 'running important errands'. Glad you enjoyed rock island. Did you see any of Oakley's footprints? He use to announce rock island every time we drove past.
This is so beautiful! You know, you make me a bit jealous with all the gorgeous outdoor scenery around there...I fell as though I live in a concrete jungle!
Oh, the memories. We played there with Oakley and the gang. It was so much fun.
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