Wednesday, June 4, 2008

We're having a party...anyone want to come? BYOTG

Bring your own tape gun!


Geoff said...

I'll be there. I will BMOT&T.

sixmoores said...

When do you move? We are driving through next weekend.

Maxine said...

You should have put up a different picture if you wanted to entice anyone to come and visit (and help). I have seen many a house during my days that looked just like that or worse. Only YOU were there running around taking things OUT of boxes as fast as I put them in! Good Luck, Love ya

Leslie said...

I just don't understand why your landlord has a vendetta against you. Hasn't she seen your adorable boys and doesn't she think you are the coolest person around? I truly wish I could come to help you out. I totally owe you! I love the shot of Justin and Oakley on the island. too precious.

melanie said...

we are doing the same thing here. Packing is a pain. I have ran out of boxes though..

Carrie Cummings said...

The fun!!!