Saturday, June 20, 2009

No Baseball in the Rain

Max is such a hoot. Lately he has just EXPLODED in song! He sings at the top of his lungs everywhere he goes. I've actually been amazed at how well he knows several songs...songs we've (or rather I've) sung at bed time. His favorites are his ABC's, I am a child of God, Twinkle Twinkle, and I Love to see the temple...

Although it certainly isn't limited to these as you can see below with his rendition of "No baseball in the Rain." I especially love in this clip when he realizes Geoff is recording him, and stops dead in the middle of his song to smile for the camera.

On Sunday, Max's Nursery Song leader told me that he loves nursery because of Max. "He sings with so much enthusiasm, and knows all the words. The other kids just watch him... and he loves the attention."

1 comment:

Joanna said...

Hahahahahaha. Love his singing, and esp loved the pause to grin at the camera man!