Friday, February 5, 2010

Humanitarian project

Our relief society is currently making these little outfits for preemie's who die. It is so difficult to find burial clothing to fit such tiny babies, so the hospitals plead for homemade donations. We have all fallen in love with the project. The outfits are all unique and SOOO cute. This is just a little sample.


Maxine said...

What a special project and they are soooo nice. Keep up the good work, the parents of these special little ones will be so grateful.

missy said...

Carol told me of the article in Mormon Times about your project. It sounds like it was such a neat experience to be involved in something so worthwhile. So much love went into the beautiful outfits. By the way, Jeff and I just returned yesterday from a quick visit to see his parents in Maryland. We surprised Carol and it was a great time!