Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pack Meeting and Talent Show

At Pack Meeting Tonight, Justin displayed all the art he has done this past year (which if you know Justin, you know that he does A LOT of art!) His display was so fun! All the scouts and their families LOVED looking at his stuff and marveled at his creativity, the breadth and variety of talent. I wish I had taken a picture of his set up, but it included, pearler beads (1 and 2 dimensional), photography, carvings, moldings (sculpy....including a sculpture of himself, Wallace, an alligator and a tiger), 3-D Paper art (a ship), Wooven basket & indian drum, a dinosaur skeleton, his paintings, and a notebook full of art creations demonstrating art with lines, color, shape, texture, space, etc. Above is the self portrait he did just a few days ago.

Tonight he earned his ART belt loop and ART pin, 2 beads and 6 arrows. He has been so diligent in scouts...we all enjoy working on his projects! Scouting is AWESOME!


missy said...

Wow! That portrait is AMAZING! I am so impressed. Does he take requests?

Kris said...

Justin, you have a wonderful talent for art. How fun this must be for you to be able to make a picture look just like you want it to. This will be a blessing to you and others for all your life. Sending you love.