Monday, February 8, 2010


We love Max because he...
  • poops and pees in the toilet and not in his shoes.
  • stashes food under his pillow so he can snack at night.
  • paces around the house while talking on his fake cell phone.
  • learns and sings all sorts of songs! He leads the nursery in singing every week (even when we visit other wards), and all look to Max to learn the words. His favorite songs are BY FAR "I am a Child of God" and "Little Einsteins."
  • loves to find and match letters everywhere he goes...on signs, shirts, books...anything!
  • talks with a unique "Max voice"... (people always tell us that they LOVE listening to Max talk. Not only is he FUN and CHARMING in personality, but his voice is so cute!
  • politely and with much emphasis says, "Gank you."
  • loves to put together puzzles. His favorites are 60-piece puzzles that he assembles often by him self. Once Geoff was working with him and said, "I found an edge piece!" Max quickly responded, "NO! that is a PER-I-Mi-TERRRRRRR piece!" He knows the parts!
  • Often tells us, "I LOVE YOU" like he really means it!
  • Exercises with mom in the morning. Max LOVES to come in with me and do my exercises...and actually really seems to enjoy it (where as other children seem to have absolutely NO interest).
  • loves Peter Pan, and loves being defiant and mischievous like him. He can imitate his personality and his stance to a T! He still loves to think happy thoughts and FLY into his crib for nap time!
  • loves to wear his red boots (slippers, but he insists they are boots).


Joanna said...

And I love Max because he is one great guy! He surely looks older than just a few months ago; guess that's because he is a BIG 3.0.
Surely do miss him - and all of you!

Leslie said...

he is so darn cute!

missy said...

I'm guessing there is a story behind the comment about not going potty in his shoes... This post made my laugh. What a cute kid!! Everyone needs a Max! (My Max just happens to be named Sterling.)