Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mom's new year's resolution

One of my new year's resolutions is to have a stress-free morning where we are able to focus on and enjoy what I consider to be the more important parts of our day. I now take as long as we need to do our morning routine, and try to create a fun and relaxing atmosphere. We get dressed and make beds, then gather at the breakfast table. We read the scriptures as a family while we are eating--for now it's the best time for our boys, as they are sitting and their hands are busy (eating) so they seem to have the ability to listen better.

Then clear up dishes while Justin practices the piano. Then we do chores together (another part of my new year's resolutions). This usually takes a good amount of time considering I usually have to follow Max around and clean up after his "projects". But I had forgotten how much the boys love to work together with me. It was fun, and WE finished chores that otherwise would have been put off for later...next year or something!

Today we focused on the Living Room. Justin volunteered to wash the windows and mirrors. Of course Max had to do exactly as Justin did, so they both ended up with a spray bottle and wipe rag. So cute! They did a good job.

Justin also volunteered to vacuum (how long do you think this will be fun for him?). Max is scared of the vacuum, so he climbed on the couch to develop his reading skills, and make sure Justin did a complete job. Such good, hard workers. I'd definitely hire them, if I were a paying sort of mom :).

Then we have personal scripture time...sing songs, learn scriptures, talk about a scriptural doctrine or learn more about the stories, and finish up with a story that pertains to the value we are focusing on for the month. This month is obedience.

Here they are each learning a scripture.

Being a mom is a JOYFUL job. I am encouraged by the time we shared together today. I look forward to a great 2009.

1 comment:

Nielsen Family said...

What a GREAT resolution! I love the idea and all your details. You are a such a great and inspiring mom!