Monday, January 28, 2008

Boys obsessed with TRASH!

For years I've been harassed by boys (namely Geoff and Justin), who like to "inspect" the trash and make sure I am not throwing away any of their valuable possessions--which happens to be everything, so it seems!

Now I have someone who is on my side...MAX!!! Like myself, Max likes to discard things rather than retrieve them from the trash... although he has very little digression. Yesterday, we found the following items in two trash cans, the bath tub, and his laundry basket...two of our handset phones, various toys, some of Justin's socks, a couple of kitchen utensils, two pacifiers, a few squares of toilet paper, and one of my shoes.

A week ago, I predicted Max to be a soccer player, but now I'm beginning to think he likes to play basketball!

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