Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Little Michelangelo's Snow Diesel & sculptures

Okay, I am VERY sore! Justin and I shoveled & packed snow for over 5 hours today! It snowed all day yesterday and last night. So first thing in the morning, we shoveled Karen's driveway & walks. It takes a good two hours to do--her driveway is massive! But Justin is loving his new job, and works very hard. He earned another $10 today, and hopes is snows again tomorrow. I on the other hand hope to recover over the next few days.

When we came back from our school activity, I put Max down, and Justin & I headed outside for another three hours to make yet another snow creation. Justin loves doing snow sculptures, and like his Nanna, is quite talented. This time we are making a snow diesel. He wants it to look like the one he is trying to earn. So that was my other three hours spent as a volunteer slave laborer for Justin--I shoveled and packed while he directed, sculpted and carved. Here is a picture of the finished product, and a picture of the Temple he and Geoff made while at Grandma's house in UT a couple of weeks ago, and the train they made at Nanna's house last year.

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