Friday, July 4, 2008

Stadium of Fire

Here's the wild group that went to Stadium of Fire. I LOVE going to these shows. Just thinking of being there made me cry earlier in the day. As strange as that sounds, Stadium of Fire is such a patriotic event and stirs my soul! I absolutely love going.Glenn Beck hosted the show, which was awesome! Geoff and I listen to his radio show often and like him a lot.
I especially love watching the para gliders because I went para gliding myself several years ago and it was a thrilling experience. These guys are amazing.

Have you ever seen anything so beautiful!?!!!

The Blue Man Group-- These guys were so fun to watch playing trash cans and pipe!

I didn't know anything about Miley Cyrus before this evening, but the crowd sure did. Apparently, Miley is quite the "hot ticket" right now. As for Justin, he could have done without this part of the evening.

I sat with the boys, Josh Basden, me, Justin and Ben Basden. We had so much fun together!

As anticipated, the Fireworks were incredible. What an evening. It was such a perfect way to celebrate the 4th of July. I am SO GRATEFUL to live in America.


missy said...

What a great day! I'm glad it was so enjoyable. Savannah would have loved to hear Miley Cyrus. From what I hear, you were lucky to get tickets as they sold out in what, like 10 minutes? It was a great 4th here in the midwest as well! :)

Rebecca said...

We were in Utah too! Fun! went paragliding? That sounds like a good time to me:)