Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Room in the Inn?

Every now and then, Geoff and I get a visitor in the Night. Justin is so cute about his need for a little security after a bad dream. Quiet as a mouse he enters our room and pulls out the blanket underneath our bed (placed there specifically for these occasions!), and arranges his pillow, blanket and 3 stuffed animals -Snickers, Charly & Giraffe who never leave his side during the night. He takes a trip to our bathroom and then shuts our bedroom door so as not to be bothered by any scary shadows. If I didn't have MOM EARS, I wouldn't know he ever came into the inn!


sixmoores said...

I think this occurs in every house hold! Some kids are just quieter than others.

Jo Romero said...

So Cute! Love your blog and thanks buy the way for the little pink suprise! I have no excuse anymore.