Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Wizard of Oz

Each morning, I read out loud to my boys. Yesterday, we started the Wizard of Oz. Last evening and early this morning Justin stole the book and finished reading it. This is usually the routine...I start the book, Justin can't wait for me to finish it, and does so himself (very quickly). We FLY through books this way.

Needless to say, Max and I have enjoyed the beginnings of several wonderful books.

Tonight we watched the first half of the movie. Justin has already almost finished reading the book for the 2nd time. How will I ever keep up with him???


missy said...

Sounds like my kids! Sometimes I have to beg them to read a particular book that I'm sure they'll like. Occasionally I'll just start reading to them to get them hooked and they'll grab it and read the rest. We love books!!

mommy24 said...

We loved your blog and had so much fun looking at all the pictures. Your boys are so adorable! We miss you guys! Love, Kathleen and Wendy