Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Soccer classes begin

The weather outside is so inspiring! We have loved going out into the much anticipated warmth! Soccer is quickly becoming a favorite. Max, our coach, is quite encouraging. Every time Justin makes a goal, Max claps and screams! Justin is a good little soccer player. He talks all the time about what he would do if he were on Abraham's team. I can tell he is contemplating the thought of actually playing on a team.

So it is with Justin. Before doing anything, he first explores the expectations and carefully determines if the effort required is more or less than the satisfaction received. If he concludes that the activity is in his favor of pleasure and fun, then he will continue the exploratory process by carefully calculating how he will best fulfill his role for perfect performance. He usually only wants to do something if he can do it right and well. After he has his plan worked out to a perfect T, then and only then will he venture into the desired activity.

Our job is to introduce things to Justin so he can begin the process. We let him choose his pleasures and then we work with him so he can feel confident to proceed further. It is fun to play with him and work with him...he is so much like Geoff.

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