Saturday, September 6, 2008

Back to Rock Island

It's been a couple weeks since we've been to Rock Island. Everytime time we drive by, Justin has us all do a cheer for Rock Island...we love this place!

Today Max really had fun. He ran, jumped, slid, dug and as you see in the lower right picture watched the scim-boarders very intently. He loves anything of an athletic nature...he watches and then wants to do it himself. Max is getting so much more independent. It was very fun for me to watch him and let him do his thing.

Justin is also getting more adventurous. He was so nice to befriend another little boy there. Justin has such a kind heart. One on one, he is so good with his peers.

I really could live right here on rock island!


Kris said...

I would love to go to Rock Island with you sometime.

sixmoores said...

That looks like heaven to me too.