Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Flyers to 200 MORE homes

Between today and yesterday, Justin and I (with Max by our sides) delivered 200 more flyers to the homes in our development for the Valentine Food Drive. Yesterday Justin went on his scooter and I pushed Max in the stroller. We each took one side of the street and were able to make pretty good distance this way. However, it was so windy today that I had to take the car and drive. Justin was an INCREDIBLE TROOPER. He ran most of the way-- running up to the door of each house, and down the street to the next until all the flyers were passed out. It was A LOT of running and he was just AWESOME!!

This is so characteristic of Justin--so willing and happy to do what is right and good. It is really humbling and inspiring to be his mother. I love him very much.

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